A TTV in NT47Z (
Mungoswells) produced many of the usual suspects: plenty thrushes (the 5 species, including 100+ Fieldfare), 14 Lotti, decent FLABs (22 Goldfinch, 9 Yammer, 3 Bullfinch), a few of both sparrows, a few of the 3 common raptors, 45 feeding Curlew and 8 roosting Lapwing, but by far the best was a Barn Owl by the bridge near Luffness Mains at 13:45hrs; quickly vanished so perhaps just disturbed from roost. Particularly pleasing given the number of times I've been down that road after dark hoping to see one! By contrast, very disappointing to see no partridges in 2+ hrs in the field on an organic farm :(

Sunday was rough with both lashing heavy rain at times and a strong wind throo-out. Had a look at the Seton shore but great difficulty in just looking throo common gull species right in front of me! The remaining Mute Swan looked rather forlorn on the upper shore alone. Then checked the Whoopers gathered E of the B1345 at Fenton Barns and again couldn't get any darvics amongst 91 at dusk; photos of Whooper dance and juvs above c/o Abbie Marland; a probable ad m Merlin flew over fields but lost from view and conditions too poor to confirm; a more encouraging covey of 15 Grey Partridge present by the kitchens place, perhaps same as family of 16 seen near Rattlebags on 6 September; on journey home checked geese assembled on Aberlady mudflats, as they battled in mainly from SW (c. 2000 at 16:10hrs), but no unusual ones were apparent, certainly no sign of a white Snow Goose. Seems I may have been wrong is calling 4
juv/1st-win Whitefronts, as 2 juvs and 2 ads reported from Aberlady this morning - presumably seen better.
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