Grey goose count was nearly a dismal failure, a trawl of Gosford, Aberlady, Muirton, East Fenton, Chapel, East Fortune, Redside, Waughton, Scoughall, Lochhouses, Newbyth etc drew a blank on Greylags! So tried again after sunset and a great gathering was on the sea off Gosford entrance, several hundred. Suspect they had been hidden in behind Gosford woods, as many Pinks came out of that area late afternoon.
On Saturday evening in steady rain, negligible wind, 25+ Redwing calls (some groups 2 or more) 21:25-23:40hrs Saturday, passing W in rain. Some of same reported from further west by Ian at Musselburgh, also a single down in Borders by James. During same period plenty entertainment from local Tawny Owls, initially hooting over golf course but then probable youngster(s) along burn trees just over the road from us, comical calling and loud wailing. Sunday evening ad+juv Sandwich Tern calling over 22:30hrs, directly over house apparently W.

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