Friday night at 18:00hrs, over two hours after sunset, found Seton harbour full of gulls, 130+ Herring and 2 GBB in the basin; have suspected previously some stay all night rather than going to the roost islands off North Berwick but rarely check; perhaps it is related to the ongoing hard weather?

Sunday afternoon, around the grey goose survey sites this afternoon a few large congregations of geese, swans, corvids and Skylarks feeding in the snow at various places.
At East Fenton, 117 Whoopers (34 juv) including darvics PL5, UH3, J3P and X6C;
the latter is new, the others have been regular for 4/5 yrs now (full histories), and 31 Mute Swans. Taking rotten potatoes and fresh cabbage leaves. c. 900 Woodpigeon on railway hawthorns there, and 40+ Yellowhammer, 10+ Reed Bunting and 2 Brambling (latter tetrad tick).
Stubble fields at Brownrigg hosted 500+ grey geese, 12 Whoopers (went W) and 130
Skylark; f/imm Merlin was departing the area N with prey, seemed to be a Skylark.
New Mains, Whitekirk held another 49 Whoopers, 41 Mute Swans, 450+ grey geese,
again in stubble. 8 Waxwings on roadside hawthorns just NE past the church.
Gleghornie to Auldhame had 1500+ grey geese, with another 180+ Skylarks amongst
Total c. 386 Greylags (including 4 on Gosford shore) & c. 2k Pinks, 178 Whoopers
& 72 Mutes, 340 Skylark, all minimum counts.
Monday morning with more snow falling opened front door to hear the trill of a Waxwing, then a Heron went low over the house heading inland. After a struggle to get to work and back again with more snow falling arrived home to find more Pinks (130) heading low SW over house after dusk and a Skylark calling overhead. The view down to the Forth from the Gladsmuir road (B6363) below, those are the "Barn Owl" hedges; perhaps the lack of wind so far will save a few, and I recall analysis of casualties after severe weather last winter showed many were in good condition and had been feeding well. No idea how!

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