Saturday we were at the zoo, disappointed not to see the Night Herons after a report of their presence again at the sea-lion enclosure just last wknd, per Mark Holling. En route home a quick look at the Seton roost produced just a single unringed adult Med Gull.
Sunday afternoon, at Cottyburn on the Longniddry Railway Walk, Brambling calling and another over with Redwings. Covey 10 Grey Partridge at their regular spot by Setonhill cottages. Large gull roost on Seton shore, estimated 5100 small gulls, including a minimum of 4 Meds, 3 adults and a 2nd-winter, all unringed. A fair number not properly checked, tightly packed and hunkered down on the rocky shore, so may well have been more hiding in there.
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