Many juvenile gulls now joined the summering crew at Port Seton. Easy to identify when with parent as in first pic of Lesser Blackback. Second pic shows 2 x 1st-sum and one 2nd-summer Great Blackback, one of the former being more advanced (on left). Third is a juvenile Great Blackback, fourth a 1st-summer Herring and last is 3 of above joined by a dark juvenile Herring Gull:
The BTO species code for Sedge Warbler matches my initials (SW), hence the title of this blog. My interest in birds started in early childhood, with notes of sightings from excursions, holiday lists from late 1970's onwards and detailed records of all sightings from 1984. Most of my birding has been done in NE Scotland where I grew up, Cambs/Beds/Bucks/Herts for 15 yrs from student days onwards, and since 2004 in Lothian. This blog aims to document my main interests, including - gulls (roost movements), owls (Barn Owl road kill), vismig ("visible migration" & its invisible counterpart, nocturnal migration), ring reading (all darvics, collars & metal rings), garden birding, bird atlassing (national & local atlas), plus further individual species studies and trip reports, e.g. Plain-backed/Long-legged Pipits in Nigeria, East Lothian Quail, etc. Lothian Bird Recorder as of Jan 2011. [Please note - in last 5 yrs time pressures have escalated to point where I may not be able to respond promptly to emails or queries, and has impacted on local bird report - work in hand; also, no dedicated birding time, most obs from garden and local excursions]
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