A Giant Woodwasp/Horntail (Urocera gigas) was quite a sight (above), but for Michael's swift intervention I would have sat on it, though despite the fearsome appearance they're harmless; was on a heap of pine logs behind ruined farm, perhaps laying eggs there - they larvae may remain in the wood for up to 5 years (species info per Edinburgh & Midlothian beekeepers). NBN does not map this species for SE Scotland, though there have been other reports recently. Nearby a couple of Common Darters along a ditch.
Way home saw probably the same Med Gull again but this time on Gosford Sands by the entrance. Compare pic below with the "after dark" record shot of two Med Gulls on Seton Burn Friday (nearly full hood left, nearly full winter right); same two still at dusk Saturday, with a juv Arctic Tern alone on the mud east of Seton Sands.

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