Can't resist uploading more Whooper pics, from WeBS on Sunday. Total c. 300 mixed swans on farm resrs, of which no more than 60 Mute so now estimating 240 Whoops (rings J3P, PL5 & UH3, again). 73 Tufties was another new record high, mainly at Chapel, presumably driven off other frozen waters, with the regular f Scaup, f/imm RBM, f Goldeneye, etc.
Also finished off last two winter TTV's, Mungoswells, which produced a Woodcock along the fantastically overgrown burn, with a couple of Goldcrests in there too, and another Barn Owl casualty recovered from field by B1377; and up in Garleton Hills, where heard news of a Barn Owl which appeared when snow was lying at a large steading, where it could hunt under cover, and was seen frequently during the worst of the hard weather. A Barnie was also seen recently at Ballencrieff - encouraging to hear of another survivor, whilst news from further afield - Muirkirk area in Ayrshire, is of many more found dead throo starvation or simply absent (ayrshirebirding).
Elsewhere, took last chance to add a few more missing atlas species for other NT47/NT58 tetrads, though failed again to find Wren in NT47F, New Winton - now may not be a good time to be looking! 132 Fieldfare were at Jerusalem Farm on the Haddington to Pencaitland road. On third attempt finally got Tawny Owl in NT57B, south of Haddington, which was a surprise as this is prime habitat and they were easily located there in spring last year. A visit to Black Wood at Clerkington, in search of owls, was a mistake, as I found myself in the midst a vast corvid roost, with deafening noise of Jackdaws all around!